Frequently Asked Questions?
What is the Chinese Federation of Commerce of Canada?
Chinese Federation of Commerce of Canada is a non-profit and non-political organization formed by a group of business immigrants in 1989 (previously known as Sunbrite Business Association) to encourage and assist members to establish businesses or investment programs in Canada, and thereafter to promote their business development and assimilation into Canadian society.
Why should my company join the Chinese Federation of Commerce of Canada?
With over 20 member companies representing a variety of industries, our organization serves as an advocate for business, a community partner and a resource to grow your business.
How does my company join the C.F.C.C.?
Contact us at 604.273.1655 or Click here to fill out our online request form. Membership is open to any business or organization with an interest in the economic health of the region.
Are dues tax deductible?
90% of annual membership dues are tax deductible as a necessary and ordinary business expense.
Are small businesses involved in the organization?
Over 80% of our members are small businesses. C.F.C.C. works to support these businesses by providing skill development, networking and marketing opportunities and resources to address the full business lifecycle.
What types of events does the organization offer?
C.F.C.C. offers numerous networking programs, membership events, skill development programs for small business professionals, public affairs programs and annual events. Click here to view a list of upcoming events.
Do I need to be a member to attend C.F.C.C. functions?
C.F.C.C. programs are a benefit of membership and are intended for employees of member companies only; however, a few annual events are open to the public. Additionally, we welcome potential members to attend one of our programs to learn more about us. Click here to contact us.
How can I get more involved in C.F.C.C.?
There are numerous ways to get involved with C.F.C.C. Attending events, participating in a committee and sponsoring programs are all ways to become more engaged and expand your contacts within the business community.
How can I receive C.F.C.C. newsletter and other publications?
The C.F.C.C. communicates primarily via email, hard copy newsletter and our electronic publication.
Where is C.F.C.C. located?
C.F.C.C. office is located in 213 – 2688 Shell Road, Richmond, British Columbia. Click here for directions. You can contact us at 604.273.1655; fax: 604.248.2388; or email: info@cfccanada.org