
加拿大華商会会长许锦松博士,及该会全国理事局主席陈若虚,日前也应卑诗省李灿明议员及叶志明议员特别邀请, 到维多利亚市省议会出席由省督主持的春季复会典礼,聆听省督宣读施政报告。许锦松表示他很高兴知道卑诗省的天然气工业具有潜在的大商机,并且还能带动就业率的提升。在省议会大楼里,许锦松及陈若虚除了获叶志明及李灿明两位省议员热情接待外,也获烈励达议长,屈洁冰厅长及其他要员接见。也与同是特邀嘉宾的中国驻温总领事刘菲在省议会相见欢。



On March 11, 2014 Tuesday, CFCC delegation consists of 11 members visited the Legislative Assembly of B.C. invited by MLA John Yap and MLA Richard T. Lee. After staying in the Legislative Gallery for one hour, the delegation was invited to lunch in the Legislative Dining Room. After lunch, the delegation attended a guided tour of the Building then met briefly with Hon. Teresa Wat before the end of visit

DSC02479 CFCC Directors at BC Parliament Hosue -  MAR2014 CFCC Directors at BC Parliament Hosue MAR2014CFCC Directors at Parliament Hosue BC -  11MAR2014CFCC Directors in Nanaimo, BCCFCC Directors with Minister Teresa Wat at MLA Bldg MAR2014 

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